Share Your Thoughts and Memories

"Although we know that after such a loss the acute state of mourning will subside, we also know we shall remain inconsolable and will never find a substitute.  No matter what may fill the gap, even if it be filled completely, it nevertheless remains something else.  And actually, this is how it should be.  It is the only way of perpetuating that love which we do not want to relinquish."  --Sigmund Freud in a letter to a man who lost his son.

If you would like to share your thoughts, memories, stories, or photos of Joann, Kristin, or Zachary, or wish to offer your condolences to Chris and the Rumsey and Piano families, please send an email to rjpiano at

We will post them to this site as soon as we can.

Dear Christopher and Family,

When I read the news Bill B. had sent me from last week, I could not believe it.

It seemed like only yesterday that I was working at the Hyatt Northeast National Sales Office in Metropark with Joann and company. That was back in 2000 - 2003 when I worked under a different NSO but every now and then, Joann and I would chat about things. Good things, like family and friends and places to go. We'd compare recipes and talk about great restaurants in the area.

She was quiet and reserved but when you go to know her, she would light up and we would laugh about some of the crazy stories we'd tell each other.

When I moved down to Orlando to be at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress from 2003-2007, I continued to work with most NSO's and kept in touch with all of my former co workers at the NE office. I'd always send along updates and pictures of my family and any news that was going on. They would all contact me back but I recall that Joann was usually out of the office on business traveling. When she did return, no matter how late in the day, she would reply with a hello and it always was a happy update back.

Another good memory was when Bill sent me news that you guys were first expecting. It was near the same time when my wife and I were expecting our first as well. We were so happy to hear of that for you two.

Also, I was lucky enough to see you guys when you came down to Orlando and stayed at the Grand Cypress. I remember saying hello to Joann in the lobby and seeing if all was well with your stay. No matter the lines at the parks or how many tourists there were, she smiled about it and said everything was great.

I am grateful that I had a chance to work with Joann and to meet you as well.
It is very sad what happened and no words can console the feelings you must now have. I will listen to your message and remember Joann, Kristen and Zachary with a smile on my face. Remembering the good moments can give us all strength I think. It will also honor their memories and can shine a light for us when the times are dark.

Take care of yourself and each other. All of our sympathies and condolences to you and the Piano and Rumsey families.

Rick Mandriota and family
Orlando, FL

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