Share Your Thoughts and Memories

"Although we know that after such a loss the acute state of mourning will subside, we also know we shall remain inconsolable and will never find a substitute.  No matter what may fill the gap, even if it be filled completely, it nevertheless remains something else.  And actually, this is how it should be.  It is the only way of perpetuating that love which we do not want to relinquish."  --Sigmund Freud in a letter to a man who lost his son.

If you would like to share your thoughts, memories, stories, or photos of Joann, Kristin, or Zachary, or wish to offer your condolences to Chris and the Rumsey and Piano families, please send an email to rjpiano at

We will post them to this site as soon as we can.

Dear Robert,

Please pass my condolences to Chris. I started my career with Joann 17 years ago at the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick, NJ. We both worked the long hard hours as Associate Banquet Managers. She was a hard worker who was compassionate and always had a sense of humor. We (my wife and I) met Chris several times over the years and knew that they were a very happy couple. I hope Chris, yourself and all Joann's and Chris' family can find peace in the years to come.

Steve Hunt
Regional Director
Hyatt Resorts of Hawaii

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